Friday, March 18, 2011


Interactive Presentation, post your comment during or after the presentation. WAN


Houses wrapped around the Stadium

Floorplan, Walkaround and Circulation Schemes

Openspace: Public Furniture and Stands

Optimizing Geometry: Floorspace and Daylight

Facade: Sustainability, Ventilation



Thursday, March 17, 2011



Educated randomness

This is a model for the facade in the vertical part (that will gradually dissolve in the twist). It contains the frames for the ETFE elements. The articulation of the facade can be tested with this model. It is possible to make an amount of predefined columns, the vertical configuration (in excel), out of which grasshopper generates a random looking system. It follows the curvature of the envelope that can easily be assigned out of rhino (or directly out of grasshopper of course). The open spaces are placed at the height of the walkarounds.

This model gives us the opportunity of testing different visuals, being able to make quick changes in the relation between facade and what is underneath it because it reads directly from excel.

Configuration 1
Configuration 1 different random seed
Excel column configurations
Configuration 2
Excel sheet:
Grasshopper model

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Thoughts on Construction

After a lot of debate with Andrew last friday, we had a thorough look at the roof and the construction of the bowl itself so that it blends well with the main concept. The idea that the housing ribbon behaves as the main support for the stadium still remained, both visually and structurally.

The steel truss system was discarded as we wanted to see the bowl with the roof as a heavy object supported over the housing. So we are trying to investigate a light weight concrete roof. First thoughts were to puncture the roof along the same lines as the housing, with regular divisions.

But on second thoughts we decided to make this as a gradient of solid and void with more solid towards the support and gradully reducing to void towards the end.

Now the bowl and the entire system for construction-
Enhancing on the idea of the neighbourhood supporting the stadium, we propose to have bridges connecting to the tribune from the neighbourhood at regular intervals. This serves both as functional bridges for access as well as structural support to the main stand, with tapered columns supporting the bridges towards the bowl.
The sustainablility consult yesterday encouraged us to investing more on daylighting in the atrium like space all around in between the neighbourhood and the tribune. Thus we decided to split the stands at regular intervals to have light streaming in from inside the stadium.

Let see if this system could be made a little irregular to go with the housing pattern in the ribbon.

Another important thing to be thought about is, if the field has to be slid out, this demands a column/ support free zone for almost 70m along the east side. So we need to check how much free span we can do with this system.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Daylight analysis

Daylight is an important issue in our project, daylight is an important parameter for the quality of a space. The ribbon of houses around the stadium only have on facade which is exposed to daylight, therefore the depth of the houses is limited. The void behind the houses and below the stands is more problematic in terms of daylight but also has a high potential. This is the space we want to analyse with DIALux and Radiance. 

Daylight can enter the void in three ways: - by the openings in the houses - through the opening at the top between the houses and the third ring - through the slits in the stands.
The use of certain reflective materials, the number and the size of openings will directly effect the amount of daylight in the void. With this analysis we want to  know what the relations are between the geometry and the amount of daylight in the void. 

preliminary result from DIALux:
isolines in candela of the floorplan
isolines in lux of the floorplan

some examples:
  • Sunlight: 100 000 - 130 000 lux
  • Daylight/indirect sunlight: 10 000 - 20 000 lux
  • Cloudy day: 1000 lux 
  • Office: 500 lux
  • Full moon: 0,1 lux

Monday, March 14, 2011


A short clip with explanation of the optimization process. Not much new information.
Apologies for the stuttering and stammering, but multitasking is hard...
Unable to display content. Adobe Flash is required.

Before Optimizition(without openings): 9767 m2

After optimization: 10815 m2

By optimizing you gain 10,8%, or 1048 square meters.
Its right inbetween being clearly useful and being not worth the effort.